High School and Literacy for Adults

As a certified Adult Learning Centre, we offer a structured classroom credit program for individuals who would like to obtain their Grade 12 Diploma or require specific courses to apply to a post-secondary institution.

In order to register for high school courses at the Centre, you will need to be out of school for 6 months or more and be at least 19 years old, or will reach the age of 19 before the completion of the courses in which you are enrolled. Before starting classes, you will complete an initial assessment to determine your current Math and English levels.

For more information or to book an intake appointment, please call our front desk at 204-857-6304, drop by the centre or email our Student Support & Retention Worker at sara@pllc.ca

Mature Student High School Diploma

The Mature Student High School Diploma is an eight credit diploma program. Four of the credits are at a 40 level (grade 12) with Math and English mandatory. The other four credits can be at the 10 to 40 level (grade 9 to 12). There is potential to transfer credits from past academic years, depending on the course, the province in which it was completed, and the year in which they were completed. Below is the list of individual credits for the program. MATURE STUDENT HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA INDIVIDUAL CREDITS

Grade 10

20F Science

1 credit

20S Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Math

1 credit

25S Life/Work Planning

0.5 credit

25S Essential Mathematics I

0.5 credit

25S Essential Mathematics II

0.5 credit

Grade 11

30S Biology

1 credit

30S Chemistry

1 credit

30S Physics

1 credit

Grade 12

40G Credit for Employment (CFE)

1 credit

40S Applied Mathematics

1 credit

40S Biology

1 credit

40S Chemistry

1 credit

40S English (Comprehensive or Transactional Focus)

1 credit

40S Family Studies with option for applied stream

1 credit

40S First Nation, Metis and Inuit Studies

1 credit

40S Geography: World Human

1 credit

40S Psychology

1 credit

41G Community Service Credit

0.5 or 1 credit

45S Essential Mathematics V

0.5 credit

45S Essential Mathematics VI

0.5 credit

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) – If interested, please inquire with a staff member.

Central Manitoba Literacy Program

The Adult Literacy program is a self-paced program that assists individuals to improve in their numeracy, writing/reading and computer skills. Each topic is divided into three different stages.

Individuals who enroll in the program are working toward a variety of different personal goals. Some goals are to attend Red River College, gain more confidence in reading or to obtain better employment opportunities. Individuals whose goal is to obtain their Mature Grade 12 diploma are able to obtain 2 credits when they have completed the 3rd stage in the English program.

The focus of the program is based on the nine essential skills. The essentials skills are:
•    Reading text
•    Document use
•    Oral Communication
•    Writing
•    Numeracy
•    Working with others
•    Thinking skills
•    Continuous learning
•    Computer use

Upgrading/Individual Credits

Individuals who have completed their Grade 12, but require certain courses in order to apply for post-secondary or require a higher mark in that course are able to register for those individual courses. Individuals are able to complete up to four courses after the completion of a Grade 12 diploma at the school fee cost.

For individuals that are employed full-time or do shift work, we have evening classes available on Tuesdays.

On-site Daycare

The Portage Learning and Literacy Centre offers an on-site daycare for our students with children needing this service while attending classes at our Centre.