The Portage Work Experience Program offers youth (between ages 15 and 30 years) for four weeks of paid pre-employment skills training followed by a 10 weeks (or 375 hours) of paid Work Experience to assist in overcoming barriers to employment and develop a broad range of skills and knowledge. A goal of this program is to help youth participate in the current and future labour markets as well as promote education and skills as being key to labour market participation.
Eligible applicants selected for participation will attend sessions on topics including pre-employment preparation, essential work skills, and employment and job retention skills. Participants will also obtain skills and knowledge relating to interviewing, completing job applications, job searching, resumes, learning styles, workplace rights and responsibilities, CPR/First Aid, Food Handling certification, mental health strategies and more!
Following the completion of training, the participant will be provided with a full-time work placement for 10 weeks (or 375 hours), compensated at minimum wage (MB) or greater, and will develop the necessary skills and knowledge to transition successfully to the labour market or return to school.
The Portage Work Experience Program is a program offered through the PLLC with funding made available from Employment and Social Development Canada.
The PLLC is continuously looking for interested employers in the Portage la Prairie area to accept a participant in their workplace. We welcome participation from all employers in the Central Plains region. Each participant will be work-ready, but also closely supported by our Portage Work Experience Program Coordinator.
The PLLC requires commitment from the employer to train, support and supervise the Portage Work Experience participant as well as notify our Program Coordinator of any issues or concerns with their employee. This work experience will serve to enhance the employment and occupational skills of the participants.
Participants are required to attend their work experience for up to 8 hours a day for 30-40 hours per week for 10 weeks (or 375 hours). Participants will be paid by the employer and the PLLC will reimburse the employer based on time sheets and invoice(s).
Although it is not a requirement, the PLLC urges employers to consider continuing employment of the participant following the end of their placement.
For more information or to register as an employer or participant, please contact the Program Coordinators at 204-857-6304 ext. 267.
Portage Accessible Careers and Employment
Portage Accessible Careers and Employment Program provides employability and skills upgrading as well as supported work experience placements to help participants prepare for, obtain and keep employment. The program provides supports for integrating participants with disabilities or impairments related to mental health, physical health and/or learning disorders, and will also support employers in the Manitoba labour market.
Participants are compensated at minimum wage for completing (120 hours) of Skills for Employment Training, followed by approximately (375 hours) of Work Experience placement that will enable them to develop a broad range of skills and knowledge relevant to the current and future labour market and to prepare for, find and keep good jobs.
Because there are limited spots available, if selected, an evaluation is completed to determine what disabilities the individual lives with, as well as the types of support they may need to succeed in training and placements. Once deemed eligible for the program, the Program Coordinator and the participant will work together to make a training schedule that is tailored to the individual and their employment goals.